Load balance data publishing to multiple receiver groups - WSO2 API Manager /Traffic Manager

In previous articles we discussed about traffic Manager and different deployment patterns. In this article we will further discuss about different traffic manager deployments we can for deployments across data center. Cross data center deployments must use publisher group concept as each event need to sent all data center if we need global count across DCs. 

In this scenario there are two group of servers that are referred to as Group A and Group B. You can send events to both the groups. You can also carry out load balancing for both sets as mentioned in load balancing between a set of servers. This scenario is a combination of load balancing between a set of servers and sending an event to several receivers.
An event is sent to both Group A and Group B. Within Group A, it will be sent either to Traffic Manager -01 or Traffic Manager -02. Similarly within Group B, it will be sent either to Traffic Manager -03 or Traffic Manager -04. In the setup, you can have any number of Groups and any number of Traffic Managers (within group) as required by mentioning them accurately in the server URL. For this scenario it's mandatory to publish events to each group but within group we can do it two different ways.

  1. Publishing to multiple receiver groups with load balancing within group
  2. Publishing to multiple receiver groups with failover within group

Now let's discuss both of these options in detail. This pattern is the recommended approach for multi data center deployments when we need to have unique counters across data centers. Each group will reside within data center and within datacenter 2 traffic manager nodes will be there to handle high availability scenarios.

Publishing to multiple receiver groups with load balancing within group

As you can see diagram below data publisher will push events to both groups. But since we do have multiple nodes within each group it will send event to only one node at a given time in round robin fashion. That means within group A first request goes to traffic manager 01 and next goes to traffic manager 02 and so. If traffic manager node 01 is unavailable then all traffic will go to traffic manager node 02 and it will address failover scenarios.
Copy of traffic-manager-deployment-LBPublisher-failoverReciever(5).png

Similar to the other scenarios, you can describe this as a receiver URL. The Groups should be mentioned within curly braces separated by commas. Furthermore, each receiver that belongs to the group, should be within the curly braces and with the receiver URLs in a comma separated format. The receiver URL format is given below.

          Binary    {tcp://,tcp://},{tcp://,tcp://}
{ssl://,ssl://}, {ssl://,ssl://}

Publishing to multiple receiver groups with failover within group

As you can see diagram below data publisher will push events to both groups. But since we do have multiple nodes within each group it will send event to only one node at a given time. Then if that node goes down then event publisher will send events to other node within same group. This model guarantees message publishing to each server group.  

Copy of traffic-manager-deployment-LBPublisher-failoverReciever(3).png
According to following configurations data publisher will send events to both group A and B. Then within group A it will go to either traffic manager 01 or traffic manager 02. If events go to traffic manager 01 then until it becomes unavailable events will go to that node. Once its unavailable events will go to traffic manager 02.

Binary{tcp:// | tcp://},{tcp:// | tcp://}
{ssl://,ssl://}, {ssl://,ssl://}

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