API Manager distributed deployment best practices - API gateway Deployment in DMZ and MZ

Normally when we deploy API Manager in different zones we need to follow security related best practices. Here in this post we will briefly describe about API Manager gateway deployment in DMZ and MZ.

How API Gateway and key manager communication happens
In API Manager we have authentication handler to authenticate all incoming requests. From authentication handler we will will initiate token validation flow. We do have extension point to authentication handler. So if you need to implement some custom flow you can write new handler and use it. In key manager side we have exposed web service and thrift service for this(key validation service). We have two options to select when we call key manager from gateway.
01. Web service call.
In this case we will do a web service call from gateway to key manager. For this call we will Https and we will be using transport layer security for this. for this gateway will authenticate with key manager by using configured username/password in api-manager.xml file.
02. Thrift call.
In this case we will do a thrift service call from gateway to key manager. For this call also we will be using transport layer security(for login). And gateway will authenticate with key manager(thrift server) by using configured username/password in api-manager.xml file.

How to secure deployment(API gateway) in DMZ from common attacks
We have configurations files, run time artifacts and required jar file in repository directory.
We can use secure vault(https://docs.wso2.com/display/Carbon420/WSO2+Carbon+Secure+Vault) to protect repository/conf directory. Then attacker will not get sensitive data like user name, passwords and important urls. With this we will be able to recover configurations even if attacker got file system access.
And if we can keep open 8280 and 8243 then we don't need to expose management urls to outside world. So external users cannot use management services perform server side operations.
If we are having API gateway with worker manager separated then, only workers will reside in DMZ. Even if attacker destroyed synapse configuration in worker nodes still manager node and svn repository will have original configurations. So we can easily recover from this type of situation.
And we can enable java security manager to avoid some common form of attacks(jar file modifications etc).

Please see attached image to identify call between MZ and DMZ.

We have few call between MZ and DMZ
Key validation call from gateway to key manager(connect over https).
Token generation request from gateway to key manager(connect over https).
Artifact synchronize call to svn server(connect over https).
Call from gateway to back end services hosted in MZ(connect over https or http).
Cluster communication between workers and manager node(tcp level cluster messages).

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