How to use API Manager Application workflow to automate token generation process

Workflow extensions allow you to attach a custom workflow to various operations in the API Manager such as user signup, application creation, registration, subscription etc. By default, the API Manager workflows have Simple Workflow Executor engaged in them.

The Simple Workflow Executor carries out an operation without any intervention by a workflow admin. For example, when the user creates an application, the Simple Workflow Executor allows the application to be created without the need for an admin to approve the creation process.

Sometimes we may need to do additional operations as part of work flow.
In this example we will discuss how we can generate access tokens once you finished application creation. By default you need to generate keys once you created Application in API store. With this sample that process would automate and generate access tokens for you application automatically.

You can find more information about work flows in this document.

Lets first see how we can intercept workflow complete process and do something.

ApplicationCreationSimpleWorkflowExecutor.complete() method will execute after we resume workflow from BPS.
Then we can write our implementation for workflow executor and do whatever we need there.
We will have user name, application id, tenant domain and other required parameters need to trigger subscription/key generation.
If need we can directly call dao or APIConsumerImpl to generate token(call getApplicationAccessKey).
In this case we may generate tokens from workflow executor.

Here you will see code for ApplicationCreation. This class is just the same as ApplicationCreationSimpleWorkflowExecutor, but additionally generating the keys in the ApplicationCreationExecutor.complete().
In this way the token will be generated as and when the application is created.

If need user can use OAuthAdminService getOAuthApplicationDataByAppName in the BPS side using soap call to get these details. If you want to send mail with generate tokens then you can do that as well.


import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.APIConstants;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.dao.ApiMgtDAO;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.dto.ApplicationWorkflowDTO;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.dto.WorkflowDTO;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.workflow.WorkflowException;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.workflow.WorkflowExecutor;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.workflow.WorkflowConstants;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.workflow.WorkflowStatus;

import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.dto.ApplicationRegistrationWorkflowDTO;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.APIManagerFactory;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIConsumer;

public class ApplicationCreationExecutor extends WorkflowExecutor {

    private static final Log log =

    private String userName;
    private String appName;

    public String getWorkflowType() {
        return WorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE_AM_APPLICATION_CREATION;

     * Execute the workflow executor
     * @param workFlowDTO
     *            - {@link ApplicationWorkflowDTO}
     * @throws WorkflowException

    public void execute(WorkflowDTO workFlowDTO) throws WorkflowException {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
  "Executing Application creation Workflow..");


     * Complete the external process status
     * Based on the workflow status we will update the status column of the
     * Application table
     * @param workFlowDTO - WorkflowDTO
    public void complete(WorkflowDTO workFlowDTO) throws WorkflowException {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
  "Complete  Application creation Workflow..");

        String status = null;
        if ("CREATED".equals(workFlowDTO.getStatus().toString())) {
            status = APIConstants.ApplicationStatus.APPLICATION_CREATED;
        } else if ("REJECTED".equals(workFlowDTO.getStatus().toString())) {
            status = APIConstants.ApplicationStatus.APPLICATION_REJECTED;
        } else if ("APPROVED".equals(workFlowDTO.getStatus().toString())) {
            status = APIConstants.ApplicationStatus.APPLICATION_APPROVED;

        ApiMgtDAO dao = new ApiMgtDAO();

        try {
        } catch (APIManagementException e) {
            String msg = "Error occured when updating the status of the Application creation process";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new WorkflowException(msg, e);

        ApplicationWorkflowDTO appDTO = (ApplicationWorkflowDTO) workFlowDTO;
        userName = appDTO.getUserName();

        appName = appDTO.getApplication().getName();

        System.out.println("UseName : " + userName + "   --- appName = " + appName) ;

        Map mapConsumerKeySecret = null ;

        try {
            APIConsumer apiConsumer = APIManagerFactory.getInstance().getAPIConsumer(userName);
            String[] appliedDomains = {""};
//Key generation
            mapConsumerKeySecret = apiConsumer.requestApprovalForApplicationRegistration(userName, appName, "PRODUCTION", "", appliedDomains, "3600");
        } catch(APIManagementException e) {
            throw new WorkflowException(
                    "An error occurred while generating token.", e);

        for (Map.Entry entry : mapConsumerKeySecret.entrySet()) {
            String key = entry.getKey();
            String value = entry.getValue();

            System.out.println("Key : " + key + "   ---  value = " + value);

    public List getWorkflowDetails(String workflowStatus) throws WorkflowException {
        return null;


Then add this as application creation work flow.

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